Fully Rebuilt Laundry Machinery
If you are looking for “as new” quality equipment but at a substantially lower price, then you should consider our rebuilt machinery option.
The rebuilding option particularly suits heavy duty machinery such as ironers, continuous batch washers, membrane-presses, tumble-dryer groups and high-capacity washer extractors. We always have a huge selection of models from all of the major manufacturers: Kannegiesser, Jensen-Senking, Vega, Lavatec, Lapauw, Girbau, Milnor and many more !
All equipment undergoes a rigorous rebuilding procedure, which starts with a complete strip down to its component parts. Each of these is then refurbished or replaced with new before the entire machine is completely re-assembled.
One of the major problems with buying used laundry equipment is that after a few years the electronic control systems are liable to fail and are often difficult and expensive to replace. We supply all rebuilt equipment with a brand-new control system which is fully backed up by our technical staff which contains easily replaceable components.
All equipment is professionally re-sprayed prior to despatch and is always commissioned by our own in-house engineers.
Most importantly, all rebuilt equipment is fully guaranteed for twelve months – like a new machine. This peace-of-mind coupled with a competitive price represents real value for money.
Case Study: Three-roll Jensen Jenroll EX12 steam-heated ironer