French dry work folder with folding blades in longitudinal fold section for those who still prefer this folding method.
The most compact French folder on the market, while still able to fold pieces up to 180x90cm. When space is limited, the AT180_slim could be the answer. Auto-grading on to three sort-stackers
Slim folder for high production rates, able to fold towels, pads, patient gowns etc. Able to process up to 1800pc/hr
When quality matters! Versatile small piece folder/stacker for accurate folding and stacking. Can be used as stand-alone or situated behind the folder.
Integrated small piece stacker, available up to 6 lanes.
Versatile feeder with 2 buffer stations offering high productivity with first-class feeding quality.
Versatile feeder including spreader clamps for all kinds of small and large flatwork giving the best flexibility and quality
The Flexfeed SP300-400 is a vacuum-assisted, manual feeding machine for small and large flatwork pieces.
Opportunity to buy a complete plant for processing dust-control mats including:
– Two x Lavatec LX445 washer extractors, 200kgs capacity, steam heated from 2005, with tilting
– 1 x inclined discharge / loading conveyor from washer extractors to tumbler dryers
– 2 x Lavatec Model TT757 GU gas heated, 200kgs tumbler dryers from 2005. Tilting.
– 1 x collection conveyor at rear of tumbler dryers
Includes two Kannegiesser TL-RA garment loading stations, plus in-feed rail leading to:
1 x Kannegiesser Model SMT2-Turbo gas-fired tunnel finisher with Kannegiesser IBT control. Discharge conveyor leading to 1 x Kannegiesser FA-X-M900, manually fed, garment folding machine. The rail system is all self-supported from the floor.
1 x H J Weir 56 Autograde towel folder. Standard folding in four categories i.e bath-sheets, bath-towels, hand-towels and bath-mats. Completely refurbished two years ago and including the latest H J Weir W.I.S.E touch -screen control.