M D Laundry Systems KENT 50kg gas-fired dryer
Lapauw two roll ironer, steam heated, 3300mm x 1200mm, 2001
A 2013 model VEGA 3/1 SEL 3 towel folder
Jensen Tematic Pro, auto-grading towel folder from 2019
Jensen Tematic Pro, autograding towel folder from 2016
1 x Kannegiesser AFM – S – 18, four stacker towel folder from 2010. Machine is in excellent condition and folds articles up to 1800mm long.
Excellent condition Jensen Jenroll EX12, three roll steam heated ironer for sale
Exceptional opportunity to purchase an "as new" complete Kannegiesser ironer line with immediate availability !!
Three roll x 3000mm x 700mm flatwork ironer. Ideal for a laundry start-up business.
Foltex Flexfeed LP2, large and small piece flatwork feeding machine, 2020